Tree identification: black locust, continued

The tutor brings another finding about the beloved black locust tree.

The black locust is a tree I remember from my childhood, back in Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley (see my post here). This summer I became aware that black locust trees live on Vancouver Island – specifically, in Nanaimo (see my post here).

Nanaimo is 150km south of here; I know of at least one tree I see down there, but not here. I wondered if the black locust is such a tree.

The balmy fall mornings find me walking home after dropping off the car at my wife’s work. On those walks I’ve noticed no fewer than six black locust trees, one of which lives only a few doors down.

Black locust trees are easy to spot right now, because their leaves are turning yellow. Most of the other trees’ leaves are turning orange, red, or brown. I first noticed one near my wife’s work; now I see them everywhere.

The black locusts I see up here are not big like the ones I recall from the Annapolis Valley; obviously they’ve been planted more recently. I’d guess they’re 20-35 years old.

Often, it seems, you need to see something in a different place before you can notice it where you live. Anyhow, I happily walk by these black locust trees on my way home each morning, wondering how many other people appreciate them:)


Brockman, Frank, Rebecca Merrilees and Herbert Zim. Trees of North America.
   New York: Golden Press, 1968.

Jack of Oracle Tutoring by Jack and Diane, Campbell River, BC.

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