Spreadsheets: Excel: the logest() function

The tutor shows how to use the logest() function to get an exponential curve from data.

Excel’s logest() function returns parameters for the equation y=bm^x, according to data fed for x and y values. Let’s imagine the data is as follows:

x y
0 3
1 5
3 16
4 27
5 61

Here’s how to get the parameters for the y=bm^x equation to fit the data:

  1. Let’s imagine the x-data is in range a1:a5; the y-data, b1:b5.
  2. Go to a cell somewhere else, then select it and drag to the one next door, so that both cells are selected.
  3. Key in =logest(b1:b5,a1:a5) but don’t hit enter!
  4. Now, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter (all at once).
  5. Hopefully, you receive two entries: 1.805018 and 2.834844
  6. The form of the equation is y=2.834844*1.805018^x


Jack of Oracle Tutoring by Jack and Diane, Campbell River, BC.

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