Mobile phones, electronics: should I unplug the phone charger when not in use?

Technology self-tutoring: the tutor checks the importance of unplugging an unused phone charger.

I’ve read in more than one place to unplug a phone charger when it’s not being used. Doing so I find inconvenient, but I’ve done it anyway because I’ve read I should. However, I’ve doubted there was a good reason.

Today I decided to research the matter.

howtogeek considers the potential power a plugged-in, but idle (and post 2012) phone or laptop charger will draw. However, the conclusion is that it’s negligible – barely worth the trouble of unplugging the charger after use. examines fire and short-circuit risk of a plugged-in, yet idle charger. The recommendation, short of unplugging the charger, is to use it in a power strip, in a well-ventilated, cool location, away from flammable materials. Then, even if left plugged while not charging, the risk of fire or short circuit is reduced.

Should you unplug the charger when not in use? You be the judge.

Jack of Oracle Tutoring by Jack and Diane, Campbell River, BC.

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