Internet: web proxies

The tutor begins about the different types of proxies used over the internet.

Lately I’ve developed interest about internet proxies. I hear about people using them, but those aren’t the ones that mainly interest me. I’ve got the academic curiosity about the “nuts and bolts” ones that carry internet traffic without the user ever knowing.

From what I’ve learned, the non-elective proxies a home user’s requests and receipts pass through are two main types: forward and reverse. Both types are fundamentally used to cache information – that is, they store responses to common requests, then fire them out instead of going to the source to retrieve them.

The forward proxy is used on the consumer side – likely by the home user’s internet service provider (ISP). Among other functions, it cuts response time by supplying common responses from its cache. The reverse proxy is used by the content deliverer, to balance the load among many servers (if that much traffic is received), as well as to fire out familiar responses from its cache.

There is more than one kind of forward proxy; I’ll be covering more in future posts:)



Jack of Oracle Tutoring by Jack and Diane, Campbell River, BC.

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