Math: a recursive function word problem

The tutor shares a solution to a problem from Grimaldi’s Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics.

Last night I encountered the problem (p. 481) that paraphrases as follows:

Imagine a car takes two spaces, a motorbike one. Find a recursive function that determines the number of ways to fill n parking slots with motorbikes and cars (assuming no empty slots).

I played around with the problem for a while, then tried this approach:

Number of slots Ways to fill them
0 1 (no parking at all)
1 1 (one motorbike)
2 2 (2 mbs or 1 car)
3 3 (3 mbs or 1 car, 1 mb (two ways))
4 5 (4 mbs or 1 car, 2mbs (three ways) or 2 cars)

The right column in the table above is the Fibonacci (F) sequence: an+2=an+1+an. However, it’s advanced by 1: Typically, F(0)=0, while for this case, F(0)=1. Fibonacci takes the previous number in the sequence, then adds it to the one before that, to give the current one.

In a coming post I’ll discuss the general solution to the sequence above:)


Grimaldi, Ralph P. Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics. Don Mills: Addison-Wesley, 1994.

Jack of Oracle Tutoring by Jack and Diane, Campbell River, BC.

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