Tutoring English, vocabulary is always interesting. The tutor mentions maladroit. maladroit(adj) : not skilled; lacking finesse. (Maladroit is opposite of adroit.) Source: Mish, Frederick C. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Springfield: Merriam-Webster, 2004.

Tutoring English, vocabulary is always interesting. The tutor mentions the word stevedore. stevedore: a person employed in moving cargo into or out from ships. Source: Mish, Frederick C. (editor). Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Springfield: Merriam-Webster, 2004.

Self-tutoring about electronics and repair: the tutor mentions an observation. Apparently, the damage to a failed printed circuit board (pcb) may not be visible. While it often, or even usually is, it needn’t be in every case. Source: emsginc.com