Self-tutoring about mysteries and history: the tutor shares a discovery. Apparently, the US Navy has acknowledged video footage showing unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). It is footage captured during flights by US fighter pilots who encounter flying objects outside of explanation. …

Paranormal, supernatural, and mysteries: US Navy admits UAP Read more »

Self-tutoring about philosophy: the tutor begins about the Fermi paradox: why don’t we have proof of aliens if they likely exist? The Fermi paradox is the name given to a commonly known question: given that intelligent alien life seems likely …

Philosophy, mysteries: the Fermi paradox, part 0: what is proof? Read more »

Hearing reports of the unexplained leads to self-tutoring. The tutor reflects about what is true, or real. In the scientific culture, real means repeatable. Many reports are available of sightings of cryptids, ghosts, UFOs, etc. In some cases, there is …

Philosophy, paranormal, supernatural and mysteries: what is real? Read more »

Tutoring philosophy, evidence – or absence of it – is a constant focus. The tutor discusses the meaning of “absence of evidence”. Typically a skeptic will point to lack of evidence as satisfactory proof, from their point of view, that …

Philosophy: absence of evidence vs evidence of absence Read more »

Tutoring English, the meanings of words might be surprising. The tutor shares a recent discovery. Paranormal: inexplicable by known science. Supernatural: outside the laws of nature. Are paranormal and supernatural synonyms? The answer depends on how you define science and …

Beyond science: paranormal vs supernatural Read more »