Home maintenance: paint resurrection

Self-tutoring about home maintenance: the tutor explores how long paint might last in a can.

The other day, up on a roof, I noticed gable boards that needed to be repainted. Where would we get the paint? I asked my wife.

“We probably still have some of that kind we used years back for the kids’ play structure,” my wife commented. “See if you can find that.”

We built the play structure fifteen years ago: it’s since been taken down. “Will that paint still be alive?” I asked.

“It should be,” she answered. She was right: when I opened the can with a screwdriver, the paint was liquid and fresh.

I had been paranoid because I’ve had glue and silicone go dry on me in the container after ten years. I was quite happy, in this case, to be wrong.

Jack of Oracle Tutoring by Jack and Diane, Campbell River, BC.

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