Mobile phones: texting auto-correct: unset

Self-tutoring about mobile phone usage: the tutor mentions a change he made today.

My son mentioned to me the other day that he’d turned off auto-correct for his phone’s texting app.

“You can do that?” I asked.

“Yes. Go to Settings….”

I should have known such an option was available.

The auto-correct on my phone’s texting app, for me, has been less help, and more an obstacle. It just can’t anticipate what I want to type–how should it be able to? Today I unset it, like so, on my phone:

  1. Settings
  2. Language & input
  3. Under Keyboard & input methods, there is a Current Keyboard heading. Next below is one with that keyboard’s name. Select it.
  4. Select Text correction.
  5. You may have to scroll down to see it, but there is an Auto-correction slide bar you can switch off.


Jack of Oracle Tutoring by Jack and Diane, Campbell River, BC.

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