Bird watching: barn owl

Self-tutoring about birds: the tutor mentions the barn owl.

Barn owls inhabit every continent save Antarctica. However, their Canadian range is quite small: extreme southern Ontario and southwestern BC.

I saw a barn owl on Mainland BC: as I rounded a curve on the highway, it was standing beside the road. Its colors were vivid, its eyes wide open, as it stared up toward the car I was driving. My impression is that its legs were quite noticeable: it stood tall. Well off the side of the road, it didn’t need to move.

Barn owls are a beloved species, as far as I’ve read. They nest in buildings (and other places) and eat rodents.


Hoar, de Smet et al. Birds of Canada. Edmonton: Lone Pine Publishing, 2010.

Jack of Oracle Tutoring by Jack and Diane, Campbell River, BC.

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