Canadian politics, business: plucky Nova Scotia

Self-tutoring about Canadian provinces: the tutor mentions his home one, Nova Scotia.

Nova Scotia is kind of like a mini-Canada: diverse, complex, resourceful, and under pressure. Within it are bastions of education and tradition – many different traditions.

I haven’t been to NS for decades, but I seem to recall change being a little less natural for Maritimers (NS, NB, and PEI) than for people in BC (where I live now). Yet, every place faces new realities, especially nowadays.

Nova Scotia, it seems, might be doing a little better with that than they expected. The province actually posted a surplus of $144 million the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. (It had projected a deficit of $279 million.)

Nevertheless, Nova Scotia faces some challenges. It seems, for instance, that its gdp per capita may be 10th of Canada’s 10 provinces.

Yet, with the Maritime spirit and all the brain power they have, I’m optimistic. Besides, as Bob Cratchit used to say, “There’s more to life than money.”


Jack of Oracle Tutoring by Jack and Diane, Campbell River, BC.

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