Food: oatmeal vs shredded wheat

Self-tutoring about food: the tutor compares oatmeal (from rolled oats) with shredded wheat.

oatmeal1 shredded wheat
protein (mg/cal) 37 33
fibre (mg/cal) 26 44
GI2 55 67

1From rolled oats, not instant.
2Glycemic index: lower is better.

I like both shredded wheat and oatmeal (from rolled oats).

Regarding oatmeal, the distinction “from rolled oats” or “old fashioned” is important since instant oatmeal has a different (higher) glycemic index. I am assuming the stove-top, unsweetened oats that take a few minutes to cook at a slow boil are “rolled” oats or “old fashioned oats”.


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