Math: solving an absolute value equation with the Sharp el-520w equation solver
The tutor shows absolute value on the Sharp el-520w.
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, absolute value of x, commonly written |x|, can be defined as follows:
I can’t find a dedicated absolute value function on the Sharp el-520w; however, it certainly does have square root and square functions. Consider the following example:
Solve the equation |x| = -2x + 7
Solution: We’ll use the Sharp el-520w equation solver. First, we can rewrite the equation as
(x2)0.5 +2x -7 = 0
Next, we enter the equation, pressing = but not 0. Then, press MATH, then 0 (for SOLV). It asks for a start point (0 is fine, then ENTER), then a step size (you can just go with what it suggests, so just press ENTER again).
Hopefully you’ll be rewarded with the answer 2.3333.
There we have it: absolute value handled with the Sharp el-520w:)
Sharp el-520w Operation Manual.
Jack of Oracle Tutoring by Jack and Diane, Campbell River, BC.
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