Retrospect: S and P, part 0

Self-tutoring about people and events of the past: the tutor brings up a good recollection.

The Annapolis Valley was the only place we lived as a family where we knew people because my parents had lived there before they’d had kids. Specifically, my mother, with her own family, had lived there in her late teens and early 20s. My father had also lived there earlier, during a short posting at the local base. (In fact, that’s how and where my mother and father met.) To us, therefore, it stood out as the only place where my parents knew people “from before.”

Not only did my parents know people there from their own pasts, but also they knew people who’d been friends of other members of my mother’s family. S and P were one such couple. S had been my uncle’s friend from high school; in addition, my grandmother had taught S at school. (Both my maternal grandparents were teachers.)

When we moved to the Annapolis Valley, it turned out that S and P lived only a few houses down the other side of the street from our house.

S and P were more progressive, even in the early 80s, than many people on the west coast are even today. I wouldn’t call them new-age, but they were definitely interested in alternative healing as well as philosophy. Regarding religion and God, they never spoke. S had an interest in UFOs and other things whose existence is debated.

S and P were one of those couples who seemed to live beyond this world, yet at the same time were completely grounded. For instance, they drove an AMC pacer that was red with wood paneling.

S and P visited us occasionally. They were always charming and energetic; they seemed younger than my parents, even though if they were, it wasn’t by much.

We moved away while they stayed. I heard, maybe around 20 years ago, that S was deceased. If so, he died quite young, around age 50. As I understand, his last job was working with elderly patients – a job he loved. When S was interested in something, he really focused on it.

I hope to make further posts about S and P.

Jack of Oracle Tutoring by Jack and Diane, Campbell River, BC.

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