Holidays, retrospect: Halloween 1978
Self-tutoring about people and events from the past: the tutor mentions Halloween 1978. In Fall 1978, I was in grade three and lived on a military base. The fall was a fantastic time there – it was on PEI. The …
Self-tutoring about people and events from the past: the tutor mentions Halloween 1978. In Fall 1978, I was in grade three and lived on a military base. The fall was a fantastic time there – it was on PEI. The …
Self-tutoring about being a pedestrian: the tutor reflects regarding walking speed. When I was a kid, we walked nearly everywhere. We did have bikes, but used them more for planned, return trips. For just going “out,” nowhere in particular, we …
Self-tutoring about people and events from the past: the tutor reflects about a clean-up. As a kid in the early 80s, I lived in an old farming region in the Maritimes. It was a beautiful place with great agricultural output. …
Self-tutoring about primary lessons: the tutor mentions his realization of the directions of left and right. When I was a kid, I heard adults refer to left and/or right often. While I knew they were positions or directions of some …
Self-tutoring about people and events linking back to the past: the tutor mentions someone he saw. My wife and I were driving to the grocery store today, down a 4-lane road. Its speed limit is only 50km/h, but it can …
Self-tutoring about the year(s) past: the tutor reflects…. In the final evening of 2023, I’m thinking back to the late 70s. Yesterday my wife and I were out shopping at a dollar store, and I noticed some chocolates smaller than …
Self-tutoring about people and events from the past: the tutor mentions a curiosity he’s always loved. Years ago, my friend lived in a building that was grand on the outside, but cut up into small apartments on the inside. I’m …
Self-tutoring about people and events from the past: the tutor mentions an entertaining story he didn’t understand at the time. Because of my own lack of vision, I failed to appreciate one of my friends back in the Valley the …
Self-tutoring about people and events of the past: the tutor reflects… When you live in a residential neighbourhood, you often have people park in front of where you live. There’s no problem with that, when it’s public parking. Moreover, it …
Self-tutoring about people and events from the past: the tutor mentions shifting patterns of children’s play. At age six, I arrived on a military base in early summer. It was easy to find kids outside, so the pace of my …