Cooking: how much molasses might be left in the carton when it seems empty?

Self-tutoring about cooking and food: the tutor looks into an age-old question.

Today I was eating cornbread with molasses. The carton of molasses was the 675ml size, and was nearly empty. Eventually, no more would pour out.

I also had a new carton of molasses. Therefore, I was tempted to open it, and just toss out the nearly-empty one. However, the nearly-empty one still had molasses in it; I could feel by its weight that it must. I wondered how much, so decided to check. I opened its gable top and proceeded to scoop out the molasses it yet contained, which pretty much added up to a level tablespoon.

A tablespoon is 15ml, and the carton is 675ml: 1/45, or about 2.2%, of its molasses had remained in it when it refused to pour.

As it turned out, I didn’t need more than that, so didn’t open the new carton.


Jack of Oracle Tutoring by Jack and Diane, Campbell River, BC.

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