Fat loss: targeted?

Self-tutoring about health: the tutor wonders if selective fat loss is possible.

Apparently, targeted fat loss is a naive notion. My son has been telling me so for months, and he reads about fitness constantly.

Last night, in playful provocation, I keyed “targeted fat loss” in the search bar, hoping to find some article that might outrage him. I didn’t; instead I found thebodycoach.com, who of course concurs that targeted fat loss isn’t supported by evidence.

So, will arm exercises burn the fat off flabby arms? Likely not preferentially; rather, if you burn fat, some might come from the arms, but it’s hard to predict how much from where. To lose fat in any one place, it seems, you need to lose fat in general.

Jack of Oracle Tutoring by Jack and Diane, Campbell River, BC.

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